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Showing posts with label Cowtown. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cowtown. Show all posts

Friday, May 10, 2013

Cowtown , Newjersy

October 15, 2011

I went to Cowtown in New Jersey with an ESL teacher and friends from the Church. It was my 2nd time. I went there on 23rd Sep 2008 in Summer.

Click to see full album (138 photos)

We met at the Church parking lot at 11 am. Our trip members today was 8 people and we drove 3 cars followed each other.

I was talking while driving and also recording video all our way to Cowtown.

It took about 30 minutes we got there.

There were many things selling in this market look like flea-market in Thailand. The price compared to the stores or the Mall were cheaper but still high for me.

What do you think about my new hairstyle? I did not recognize my face yet and also I had a headache after wearing it for awhile because the thing that holds my hair really tight and hurt my head so I took a wig off. I wore it again when I got home. My husband thought I cut my hair because he did not like it. He laughed when I took it off. I asked him if I could wear it during our trip to Thailand next month. I can tell by his face that his answer is "NO".

I surprised to see these things because they were very old toys in Thailand which nowadays does not see anymore. We call " Pong Pang"

I like these style of hats but a bit expensive for me so I did not get it $15 each.

I also like these cute hats  $12 each but I did not buy any because I can make by myself but I do not know when I will make one.

We stopped at Cowboy outfitters on our way back.I like everything in the shop but I did not buy anything just took photos and recorded videos.

We stopped at a Vegetable market a bit. I did not sure if the prices cheaper than other market but I knew they were fresh. I did not buy anything just took photos and recorded videos but my teacher and friends bought some.

This was the last stopped and then we went back to Newark, Delaware.

He was my English teacher at the Church who was a leader of the group.