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Showing posts with label elephant. Show all posts
Showing posts with label elephant. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

A day at Elephant Nature Park Chiangmai

Dec 26, 2017  click to see album

"This is a must do when visiting Thailand. It was a great experience."

It was my second time spending time with elephants like this in Chiangmai but I do not remember if the same place. I was there 12 years ago.

I reserved a daycare for elephant online before we came to Thailand because their calendar was fully booked. We were lucky to get the day we wanted.  The requirement was the location of hotels where the company provided picking up, if not we must go to the office in Town by ourselves. Everything must confirm online before our trip such as partial payment, hotel address and we received a confirmation number.

The van picked up us at the hotel between 7:30 and 8 in the morning. It took about 2 hours to get there. Please look at the video to see what were we doing a whole day with elephants. 

They are huge but very kind and friendly.

Here is the Sanctuary, rescued elephants which hurt from people. I saw a couple of them have broken feet and blind.  In the Sanctuary does not ride the elephants and does not use hooks with them. They stay free as natural.

I learned new info from the documentary video showing in the van along our way. That was sad such as the elephant draws picture does not because of its talent but forcing to do by hurting. The elephants on the show had struggled time on training, and etc.

The cost is not low to be with them but when think about helping them to get better lives that worth to pay. Even though, voluntary people must pay to be there, a lot of people happy to pay and be with them, help them.

Not only elephants here but also buffaloes, cows, pigs and rescued dogs from flooded. I am sure, they need a lot of money for the association.

Veterinary was checking the elephant's injured foot