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Showing posts with label Wildwood. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wildwood. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Wildwood New Jersey

May 27, 2013

Memorial day is a holiday in the USA. I think it likes a military day as in Thailand. I saw on TV on Friday that people were preparing for the beach trip, especially to Atlantic City, New Jersey. It was damaged from hurricane sandy but now ready to open again as a new remodeling. Because of that, I wanted to go there too but I think about working on this day. Later, I talked to Mister and told him that I wanted to go. He agreed to take me to difference beach where we had never been, then I called my employer to skip working on this day.

Mister searched and found one where we decided to go and left home about 1pm. It took two hours to get there. I thought that he would change his mind to go because by the time we were there must be late. However, he did not change his mind but told me, " we just drove and look around ". I was really happy even we could stay here a couple hour.
Wildwood beach

We got to Wildwood beach around 4pm but the sky was still bright. This was a good thing in Summer as slower dark but the wind was cold. I did not bring a jacket because I thought it would be warm as the time we left home. We looked for food at first thing and walked around after that.

Lobster and shrimp salad wrap-my food. I thought it was the same as Mister ordered from a fast food restaurant once but it was not. I did not like it at all but tried to eat all.

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Mister thought about get up on the wheel but the ticket sale in a set as $30 for the whole park. It was not worth to pay just for the wheel then we did not do it. I thought that if we got on the wheel I might buy a jacket because up there would be colder because of the wind.

เอาล่ะ เดินลงไปแตะน้ำทะเลกันสักนิดดีกว่า ก่อนกลับ สมใจป้าโอ้ท
Yeah! we walked to the beach before went home. It was the most thing I wanted to do.

PS: I did not know, when I dropped my phone. We walked back to the car and it was there. OMG! luckily nobody saw it.